Copyright notice

Please note that all material included on this site is either our own copyright or as expressly specified and may be only eventually downloaded for your personal use or after our express permission. Any further distribution for sale or for use in other manner is expressly not allowed. You are also prohibited from publicly performing or broadcasting any of the recordings included on this site without our express written consent.

Photo credits

The most photos in the whole site are private (self-made pictures), except those friendly put at our disposal by “Amigos de la Ópera de A Coruña” (Photographer M. Fernández), by José León, Antje Küntzig, Barbara Neubert and by Javier Teniente (Vigo) as well as by Sara Fernández González with our deepest appreciation and gratitude.

Any claims of rights on this behalf will be promptly and accurately attended.

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All Contact data, specially E-mail addresses, will not be given away by any means, except those eventually forced by legal authorities.

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